Birthday Cake 02

    There are ways you could prepare good birthday cake which everyone would love. Adults like themes like a diary, a champagne bottle, or things which depict a favorite sports character. Therefore, birthday cake for adults do not need to be that vibrant. You may just have something simple with the name and good wishes of the person written on it. In the case of birthday cake for kids, you should consider what kids generally like. In the case of birthday parties for children, you could have designs showing baby blocks, puppies, teddy bears, blue skies, flowers, yellow ducks and the like.

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    Birthday without birthday cake is like honey without sweetness.

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    birthday cake are the exclusively baked, decorated, and intentionally added more glamorous flavors when it is meant for birthdays

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    birthday cake are always been paid special attention of love and care

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    While tracing the origin of birthday cake many interesting facts come in front.

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    The word 'birthday cake' is said to have coined as early as 13th century and it is said to have derived from 'kaka'- an Old Norse word.

  • birthday cake

    birthday cake

    Some historians think that the custom of the birthday cake was observed in ancient Greece

  • Ancient Greeks began baking birthday cake using honey. Ancient Romans celebrated three different types of birthdays as well as different types of birthday cake. They primarily called them bread. Some in England used to call birthday cake as Pastries. Another tradition of birthday cake can be traced in the Middle Age Germany. There we find sweetened bread dough was made in the shape of the baby Jesus in swaddling clothes. In England birthday cake are baked with symbolic objects inside. In Medieval Days objects such as coins and thimbles were mixed inside the batter. It was believed that the person who got the coin would be wealthy, while the unluckily finder of the thimble would never marry. Whereas today, small figures, fake coins, small candies are more in practice. Now a days even cup birthday cake are on the top list. Why it is round in shape in the very begging was a question. Scholars associate religious beliefs and technical compulsions for the same. Greeks offered round shape birthday cake to the Goddess of Moon- Artemis as it signified moon. They started the tradition of placing candles on the birthday cake for glowing the birthday cake like the moon.